Commercial HVAC Cleaning in Kansas City
Commercial buildings where HVAC duct systems not maintained and cleaned on a regular schedule can be the cause of extensive damage to the unit along with breathing problems for those who work there. Commercial buildings are at a higher risk of harboring mold, bacteria, dust mites and other pollutants due to the high traffic in the buildings at any given time, making regular HVAC cleaning vital to the health of your property, employees and environment.
Aardvark is one of the best rated commercial HVAC cleaning companies in the Midwest. Whether you are a small office or a large new construction project, our experts can take care of your commercial cleaning, keeping your business safe and clean for years to come. Contact Aardvark for more information about our Kansas City commercial cleaning services!

When Should You Have Your HVAC System Cleaned?
As your HVAC system continues to push warm and cold air throughout the duct work, it also picks up everything floating through the air. Over time, all the pollutants settle at the bottom of the duct work causing the need for routine cleaning. It is recomending by the NADCA Association to have your HVAC ductwork cleaned every three to five years!
Warning Signs Your Ductwork Is In Need Of Service
Listed below are some of the warning signs your HVAC system is in need of duct cleaning:
Mold- If you notice any signs of mold or dark spots on or around your ceiling or ductwork, this is a good indication there is mold and mildew inside your vents and needs immediate cleaning.
Air Flow Issues- When you start to notice that your registers are not putting out a sufficient amount of air, this is an indication that you could have some blockage and in need or ductwork cleaning.
Dirty Filters- filters are your first look to see if dust and debris from the air have started to accumulate in your ductwork. Pull these out every month and replace. Once you start to notice the filter is really dirty every month, it maybe time to schedule your HVAC ductwork cleaning.
Animal Droppings – If you notice animal droppings close to the registers or HVAC system itself, you could have rodents that are visiting or even living inside the ductwork. This is an extremely good time to call for air duct cleaning. It’s also time to call an exterminator!
What Are Some Of the Benefits Of HVAC Duct Cleaning
Air ducts collect a large amount of dirt, debris, and other pollutants over time, which greatly impacts the overall cleanliness and health of your building and employees. Here are just a few key benefits of commercial air duct cleaning
- Boost Energy Efficiency: When HVAC systems are clean and regularly maintained they can boost their energy efficiency by over 63%. This is due to the all the debris and dirty being absent making way for fresh, clean air to push through, saving you money.
- Odor and Allergy Elimination: In buildings that have a lot of dirt, pollen, and dust throughout the duct work can wreak havoc on your staff and their allergies! Not to mention, odors from anything from burnt food, to chemical solutions stay in the ductwork longer than normal resulting in lingering fowl orders throughout your facility. Making sure your air ducts are cleaned of any of these unwanted particulars makes for much happier noses!
- Equipment Protection: The more build up your air ducts the harder your HVAC system will need to work to keep up. To have your HVAC system operating at peak performance, and to lower maintenance and repair cost, routine cleaning is of vital importance.
- Long Term Health: Indoor air problems can cause more than the temporary agitation. Long term exposure to poor air conditions have been linked According to the 2012 Environmental Health study long term exposure to poor air conditions have been linked to such illness as respiratory and heart disease as well as various cancers.
Is Your HVAC system in need of cleaning?
Aardvark Residential and Commercial Services is here to ensure your HVAC system and duct work meets industry air quality standard regulations by providing thorough, professional cleaning and sanitation cleaning throughout the Kansas City area. Call today to get started.