Vent Cleaning and Air Duct Cleaning in Kansas City
If you have been neglecting your vents and air ducts, you aren’t the first person to do so. Many people ignore their vents and ducts because they don’t appreciate the importance of keeping them clean. Ductwork cleaning and vent cleaning is vital to your family’s health and to the operation of your HVAC system and dryer. Cleaning ducts and vents throughout your home can be a big job, but you can hire the team at Aardvark Residential and Commercial Services.
You simply won’t find a better vent cleaning or air duct cleaning service anywhere in the Kansas City area! Our highly trained professionals care about your indoor air quality because it directly impacts your quality of life, so we provide a comprehensive approach to vent cleaning of all kinds. Also, HVAC duct cleaning can decrease your energy bills and minimize the likelihood of HVAC repairs down the line. So what are you waiting for? Reach out to schedule service now.

Air Duct Cleaning
Air duct cleaning is an often-overlooked way of managing your indoor air quality. Whether it is your home or your business, chances are you spend a majority of time indoors. A variety of pollutants can be pushed through dirty ducts, leading to problems and illnesses for the people occupying the space. Air duct cleaning from Aardvark can help prevent a build-up of the following air pollutants:
Common Indoor Air Pollutants
- Carbon monoxide (CO) – An odorless, invisible gas produced by fossil fuels that can lead to tiredness, headaches, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and a fast heartbeat. An excess of carbon monoxide in your home can lead to truly terrifying side effects including extreme paranoia brought on by the confusion it causes.
- Radon – Another colorless and odorless gas that exists everywhere at low levels because it is produced naturally when uranium in the Earth breaks down. However, if you are exposed to higher levels of radon it can lead to lung cancer.
- Secondhand smoke – There are more than 4,700 chemical ingredients found in environmental tobacco smoke and when regularly exposed to it, it can lead to the same health problems as smoking tobacco yourself.
- Lead particles – A natural, soft metal that is toxic when consumed. Up until the late 1970s, it was regularly used in house paint. Exposure leads to damage to your nervous system, brain, red blood cells, and kidneys. Children exposed to lead suffer from short attention spans, behavioral issues, delayed growth, and lower IQ levels.
- Nitrogen dioxide – A common oxide of nitrogen, this toxic and corrosive gas can lead to pulmonary edema, lung injury, chronic bronchitis, other chronic obstructive lung diseases, and impaired lung function for children and those with asthma.
- Asbestos – The EPA declared asbestos unsafe in 1971 because when the material is disturbed, the fibers can be inhaled and lead to lung cancer and asbestosis, an inflammatory condition of the lungs that leads to coughing, trouble breathing, and permanent lung damage.
- Mold – Some molds are harmless, others can lead to allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Mold is extremely common both indoors and out.
You do a lot to protect your family from harm—don’t neglect to clean the air they breathe by leaving dirty air ducts unattended. There is little question that air duct cleaning services can improve your family’s health and life. All you have to do is schedule service from the AC vent cleaning and duct cleaning experts.
Saving You Money in Expensive Repairs
Duct cleaning services do more than just clean the air you and your family breathe on a daily basis. HVAC cleaning also saves you money on energy costs because your systems won’t have to work so hard to operate. Air vent cleaning also prevents expensive HVAC repair costs because a clogged system can break down.
Air duct cleaning cost is a fraction of the cost of repairing or replacing an entire HVAC unit due to neglecting to maintain and properly clean vents and ducts.
Dryer Vent Cleaning
Lint from your dryer is an extremely flammable material and each year there are thousands of dryer vent fires. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 2,900 dryer fires are reported each year, with 34% of those fires being caused by failure to clean. These fires result in an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss every year.
When it comes to your dryer vent, inadequate maintenance can be dangerous. Luckily, dryer vent fire prevention is as simple as investing in regular professional dryer vent cleaning services. As with all of our duct cleaning and vent cleaning services, Aardvark recommends you schedule dryer duct cleaning at least once per year for optimal results. Dryer vent cleaning service is not as expensive as what it would cost you to repair fire damage. Get in touch with Aardvark to schedule service from professional dryer vent cleaners today.
What Is the Purpose of Your Dryer Vent?
The purpose of your dryer vent is to safely transport the water vapor and lint created during a drying cycle outside of your home. Without a properly functioning dryer vent, the hot air and moisture can seep into your home where it can cause mold, rot, and increased energy bills. In addition, a clogged dryer vent can shorten the lifespan of your dryer and cause a buildup of carbon monoxide gas.
Benefits of Dryer Vent Cleaning Service
- Ensure your house or commercial laundry facility stays safe from fire danger
- Improve appliance efficiency, lowering energy bills and drying clothes faster
- Lessen the likelihood of carbon monoxide buildup
- Diminish the occurrence of damp or overheated clothes at the end of a drying cycle
- Ensure your dryer lives to its maximum lifespan
- Save you money in repair or replacement costs
Common Signs You Need to Clean Out Your Dryer Vent
- Laundry takes longer than normal to dry
- Dryer is hot to the touch, which could indicate a clogged dryer vent
- Clothes are damp or extremely hot at the end of a drying cycle
- Clothes have a strange odor
- Laundry room feels hot or humid
Schedule AC Duct Cleaning or Dryer Vent Cleaning Service in Kansas City
Air duct cleaning technicians can handle your duct or air vent cleaning needs. We can help prevent mold growth, protect your air conditioner, remove pet dander from the air, and give you cleaner air overall. Professional cleaning can make a huge difference to the functionality of your HVAC system and can prevent dryer fires. There are also a lot of health benefits that result from removing airborne contaminants from your home.
Are you worried about vent or duct cleaning cost? The cost of a thorough cleaning is less than the cost of AC repairs or the expense caused by damage from a dryer fire. Reach out to Aardvark to schedule cleaning service, and gain the peace of mind that comes from having a safer home due to clean air ducts and vents.